Monday 10 October 2011

Katie Clemingson

The next event at the Just Imagine book shop i went to was another insight into the professional world of children's book illustration featuring another guest speaker, Katie Cleminson a 27 year old freelance illustrator who's work has been published by Jonathan Cape (Random House Children's Books).

Katie graduated from North Wales School of Art with a first class BA (Hons). In her final year at college she was the only Illustrator from Great Britain to be chosen by the highly respected Bologna Illustrators Exhibition. Her work has been exhibited in London, Poland, Japan, Italy and Korea.
Katie uses a very unusual medium, a pippete with heavy black ink to achieve her desired outline of her drawings. she also uses Photoshop to scale and arrange images for publishing.
She also mentioned that she had won and been highly commended in the Macmillan Prize competition which i am now familiar with. Also has been the winner of The Booktrust Best Emerging Illustrator Award 2009 and name as on of the Booktrust Best New Illustrator 2011.
Her most recently published title, Otto the Book Bear has had great reviews and was released in July. I thought this story was adorable because as a child I always loved books that told of things such as toys coming alive at night, but the difference here is that Otto is an Illustration from a book and then he gets left behind while the family move house so he goes on an adventure to find somewhere he belongs which very fittingly turns out to be a library.
Other great titles by Katie include Box of Tricks, and Wake Up.